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  1. S

    Simple stack for strength and cardio + questions

    Including ostarine, how should I dose it and when? I feel the only issue for me would be since I?ve never done either of these how they would effect me and home much they would suppress me.
  2. S

    Simple stack for strength and cardio + questions

    Add ostarine for my first sarm stack? Also as far calories go should I be around maintenance? I?m doing a ton of endurance and cardio work. I?m wanting to get strength as well as lean down. I?m at 19% bf
  3. S

    Simple stack for strength and cardio + questions

    Other than that do you think this stack looks good for a first run? Trying to gain strength and endurance? I could add stenabolic but thats more than my budget allows.
  4. S

    Simple stack for strength and cardio + questions

    1-12 GW-501516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m. 1-12 S4 (ANDARINE) 25 mg am and 25 mg 4-6 hours later Mini pct 13-16 nolva 40/20/20/20 I?m going to be getting labs done before during and after. I will also be posting results here and am buying from the source sponsor. Based...
  5. S

    Cheapest place to buy bulk syringes?

    Where is the cheapest place to buy bulk insulin syringes?
  6. S

    When to consider using sarms?

    I?m mainly an adventure racer spartan races, tough mudder I also rock climb so I?m not looking necessarily gain size but I want to gain strength. Question is I?m running 6-7 times per week and training 4 days per week with weight/obstacles and so forth. Will sarms benefit me very much based of...
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