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    Cardarine, and Cancer

    How likely is the risk of cancer with Cardarine?
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    New Roids

    So let me start off by saying I have done alot of my own research on the most reliable places to buy SARMS. New Roids seemed to be the most reliable as far as capsules went (Which is just my personal preference) So I decided to pick up a bottle of their LGD 4033. Its been 5 days and I havnt...
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    YK 11 Myostatin Inhibitor

    So in theory. The closest id ever get to that would be to cycle?
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    YK 11 Myostatin Inhibitor

    Do you know a better alternative of a compound helping to prevent more Myostatin in the body? Im not one to just go all out, and consume whatever looks promising to me but Myostatin inhibition does sound like Itd be beneficial.
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    YK 11 Myostatin Inhibitor

    I'd like to know more about this compound. Seems like It'd be highly unlikely to find real YK 11 anywhere from personal research I have done.
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    FDA, and SARMS

    What's funny is Prohormones are extremely liver toxic. Yet they are still floating around with FDA. They are just cheap imitations of steroids pretty much.
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    FDA, and SARMS

    The FDA claim SARMS cause sudden deaths, heart attacks and strokes. Same as them claiming DMAA is unsafe which I find absolutely ridiculous. How accurate is this actual information? Does anyone know anyone personally who have passed from SARMS? Or is this just a scare tactic?
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    Best Sarms Stack for Beginners

    Isn't that the one that causes vision issues?
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    Best Sarms Stack for Beginners

    Im mainly trying to target more size. Since now is the time of year I like to bulk. I don't normally get to eat as much as id like to due to my schedule being very busy but I thought maybe itd help recomp a bit. I wouldn't mind gaining more strength as well. I though Throwing in Cardarine just...
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    Best Sarms Stack for Beginners

    I have previously mentioned i wanted to run a SARMS cycle. What would be a good one for a beginner? I was thinking Ligandrol, and Cardarine. That way I could maybe get a decent boost in strength, and endurance. How would those run totogether? What do you guys think?
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    Is it absolutely needed to run a test/gear base with SARMS cycle?

    Thanks for the responses everyone. I actually had my bloodwork done a few months ago after considering TRT, and my doctors have told me everything looks completely normal. Could be other lifestyle factors of mine.
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    Is it absolutely needed to run a test/gear base with SARMS cycle?

    Hello. I have been into Strength Training for almost 5 years now. I have made some outstanding progress all naturally. I have noticed though within the past year my energy is starting to dip slightly, and feel like shit more often that its starting to hinder my gym progression due to daily life...
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