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  1. T

    Lab Results , Need help regarding a possible issue that may affect weight loss/Gains

    definitely not, I've been having a lot of issues in terms of strength, well being , fatigue, anxiety , slight depression. and a whole host of other issues. I saw a Endocrinologist to have my thyroid checked as well, My main M.D. Noticed i had some bone density reduction in some parts of my...
  2. T

    Lab Results , Need help regarding a possible issue that may affect weight loss/Gains

    625 nl and 81 free, He was concened about my Free, being way low. and I havent been feeling so hot for about 7-9 months, fatigue, aches, muscle loss, weight gain, etc.. I am confused about the dose though because i have no idea how much im getting per injection .75ml is what the nurse injected...
  3. T

    Lab Results , Need help regarding a possible issue that may affect weight loss/Gains

    I just saw a doc today, I was prescribed 200mg of Test cyp, got my first injection at .75ml , an he gave me anastrazole. Gonna see what this does for me , in terms of body comp and wellness.
  4. T

    Lab Results , Need help regarding a possible issue that may affect weight loss/Gains

    According to my doctor, he says my thyroid is healthy , he thinks its my test levels thats causing the fatigue, muscle weakness and etc.... my test levels are 625 nl
  5. T

    Lab Results , Need help regarding a possible issue that may affect weight loss/Gains

    So I wanted to post my results on here and ask some questions, as i am interested in trying a sarm cycle and test cycle. For about as long as I can remember since i started lifting, 2013ish , I did a keto diet under 30g of carbs for 9 months and dropped 80lbs of fat, The result left me a skinny...
  6. T

    Blood Work Before LGD-4033, and After, MUST SEE..

    So low mess with muscle gains? to what extent? does High levels make losing belly fat almost impossible regardless of how clean you eat? Cause if so? I think I may be a candidate . I ended up balding in 2013 and on, due to doing a keto diet for 8 months, and losing 80lbs, but eating under...
  7. T

    Blood Work Before LGD-4033, and After, MUST SEE..

    See I wonder if High or Low estradiol levels can keep you from losing belly fat and also make you fatter on a bulk and lose it all on a cut, if these are out of wack.
  8. T

    Blood Work Before LGD-4033, and After, MUST SEE..

    Makes sense :), I definitely have some issues with my shoulder after this cycle, I mentioned in another thread that I had gotten an MRI and it came out just fine. So this past week I visited a Mens clinic , gonna have my estradiol levels measure, I suspect something along those lines.
  9. T

    Blood Work Before LGD-4033, and After, MUST SEE..

    What makes you think I care about your opinion? You came and posted in this thread, and that's fine, but you saying I Insulted you in that manor is laughable. I had gotten my answers, I was looking for, I wasn't bashing sarmsx, CUZ CLEARLY THE DRUG IS FROM CERETROPIC. I had a bad experience and...
  10. T

    Blood Work Before LGD-4033, and After, MUST SEE..

    Not sure If i can ask this, But SarmsX sells anabolics as well? are they legitimate? can you vouch for the legitimacy of it? I mean its on the website.
  11. T

    Blood Work Before LGD-4033, and After, MUST SEE..

    Ya I cant help that to be honest. I mean I'm still dealing with some of the sides, primarily the shoulder pain, that just is so persistent and the reason why I got so turned off from it. I do have a question though. How is it that this website is able to sell legit sarms, and anabolics? Isn't...
  12. T

    Blood Work Before LGD-4033, and After, MUST SEE..

    Well Again I am posting about my experience, and I understand from your perspective, but it is a different company, the product isn't sarmsX. If that was the case, Dylan would of closed and removed this thread prior before. Not bashing SarmsX.
  13. T

    Blood Work Before LGD-4033, and After, MUST SEE..

    No I am not on TRT currently. I have been low for a few years now, that 810 u see was just for a few months, for the first time in years Take a look at my link ....................
  14. T

    Blood Work Before LGD-4033, and After, MUST SEE..

    That 810, was just in the beginning of the year...... i had blood drawn in october of 2015 and it was 443 NL, and again in june of 2015 which was 412 NL.... The problem is my Trt has been under 500 for some time now, and that 800 was a huge spike for a little , and back right now. I have a...
  15. T

    Blood Work Before LGD-4033, and After, MUST SEE..

    And that's fine, much props to you older gentlemen that have been around in the game a lot longer. I am simply stating as a first time user of LGD-4033, that i did not like it one bit, and I will probably not use sarms again. The fact that its impossible to get a actual legit source, is enough...
  16. T

    Blood Work Before LGD-4033, and After, MUST SEE..

    Well again I respect your opinions, I don't obviously share them in some aspect, but thats ok as well. I don't really think your seeing it from my perspective, as a buyer. SarmsX , Ceretropic, etc. They all have their own issues. And I'm not insinuating that SarmsX is bogus, but like you just...
  17. T

    Blood Work Before LGD-4033, and After, MUST SEE..

    No dis-respect of course. But how can you say that? I've had plenty of people in my own region/city have good experiences with Ceretropic. Could I have gotten a bad batch? Yes. Could i just not respond well to sarms in general? Probably. But To say that " I didn't get a sarm" is just outlandish...
  18. T

    Blood Work Before LGD-4033, and After, MUST SEE..

    I'm not sure if i would want to do SARMS anymore after this bad experience.
  19. T

    Blood Work Before LGD-4033, and After, MUST SEE..

    what other things would u wanna see, I could just update the post , so u can ssee. I dont mind. As for sarms in general. I dont think i want to use them ever again. Im opting for TRT, i have another thread u should look at, to see if this could be a suspect. link ------------->...
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