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  1. V

    Rad 140 & LGD 4033

    Hey guys thinking of starting a cycle of these two in a few weeks , Anyone ever stack these two sarms? For those who stacked these what were your thoughts , I've ran these solo before btw ..but never stacked them
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    This is a BS free zone brother ! S4 is truly shines in the strength & hardening department & the leaner you are the more cosmetically awesome it is, & vascularity is sick too !
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    Sarms mk2866 okay for skinny guy?

    2500 cals is low brother, I'm a small guy 5'6 165 lbs & I easily surpass that ...
  4. V

    Beginner Cycle Question

    All I can say about this thread is WOW !!! These young kids have zero clue .. I could have been one of them , thankfully I waiting until I was 35 to start cycling , this was after years of research & reaching my natural potiental ..
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    GW advice

    Just finished up an S4 cycle, in PCT now Nolva 20/20/10/10 & running some left over bottles of Anamorelin I had along side it , looking to run this in the fall Rad 140 GW 50156 Sr9009 Mk677 Stack
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    GW advice

    I appreciate that bro !
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    GW advice

    I appreciate that, & I agree on the test & Deca examples , & honestly meant no harm in these debates
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    GW advice

    I'm definetly cool with that :)
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    GW advice

    Ok cool , sometimes through message boards & mobile phone texts we can't always tell each others intent or tone haha I love this place & have already learned a ton & Id love to keep it that way
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    GW advice

    I am a 110% supporter of sarmsx with multiple purchases under my belt .. just putting that put there
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    GW advice

    I never said either one was more bioavailable than the other As far as Sarms go or any research chemical Liquid suspension is most likely used do to capsules giving the indication of it being used as a supplement, as far as Alcohol being used in conjunction with liquid suspension maybe for...
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    GW advice

    Do you have data supporting the bioavailability of liquid suspension over capsules ? If you can present some I'll apologize for my misinformation. . Can you answer why PH/DS/AAS orals are not all released as liquid suspension if the bioavailability is greater in liquid ? I have zero interest...
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    GW advice

    These above statements are incorrect , All raws come in crystalline powder, the only difference is that the powder is suspended in liquid as opposed to being put into a capsule .. As far as being more bioavailable in liquid that's also incorrect because if that was the case ALL PH/DS/AAS orals...
  14. V

    Help with dosing on a future Cycle

    Hey guys, I'm planning a fall cycle with these 3 compounds and would like some advice on dosing .. Rad 140 Mk 677 Gw 50156 Thanks in advance 5'6 , 165lbs apporox 8%bf
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    sarmsx S4

    Sorry for not updating been crazy busy with my son(single parent) & work End of week 5 update , dosing still @ 75mg a day , vasucularity / strength / hardness on par with anything I've ever used, strange though the vision sides seem to have decreased, either that or I'm just so used to it...
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    Bostin Loyd

    Extremely irresponsible ! That's why we have young kids taking absurd doses of drugs ...
  17. V

    sarmsx S4

    Day 19 increased the dose to 75mg at day 15 , vision sides present(no more than @ 50/60, very manageable & overrated if you ask me) my Phsyique is starting to take on a look that no other compound has done & I've tried them all (aside from Winny, protobol & maybe a few ulg AAS orals) & S4 is...
  18. V

    Lgd and superdrol

    Superdrol is really toxic as you know here some "safe" cycle dosages to consider, TUDCA liver support is a MUST when running SD at any dosage 10/10/10/10 10/20/20 & the most effective & all anyone needs 20/20/20/20
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    I'm in week 3 of S4 & the vision sides are not an issue at all
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