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  1. Manolo

    Test cyp and deca cycle

    Thank you bro Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Manolo

    Test cyp and deca cycle

    I'm- 39 5 9" 150lbs Cycle history - 22yrs old I was on test and deca no pct as I was young and stupid, did test on and off until I was 30. I'm on trt now. Test cyp every 6 months Goal is to be - thick and cut Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Manolo

    Test cyp and deca cycle

    Hey Dylan - wanted your advice on pct for my cycle test cyp and deca, was going to do 200mg deca 250mg test for 12 weeks and stop the deca 2 weeks before test. I wasn't going to go crazy with the mgs since I get great results at low dosage, my question how should I run my pct Clomid / nolva...
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