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  1. S

    SARMS help

    Sweet, I'll look into it.
  2. S

    SARMS help

    I want to gain about 15-20 pounds of muscle, while also leaning out and staying cut. What should I do?
  3. S

    SARMS help

    Ok...but what is the best thing I can get for what I want to accomplish?
  4. S

    SARMS help

    They were $80 and I have heard good things from people that have taken it from them. Ok so what would you recommend for me to quickly cut fat and gain good cut muscle/size?
  5. S

    SARMS help

    There is a local health store near me that sells the pills. They clearly say MK-677 on the bottle and they also have plenty of other SARMS in pills. The guys at the store seem to really know their stuff about SARMs so i trust them to work. It is not a sketchy place at all. I didnt know that I...
  6. S

    SARMS help

    Dylan, I am a huge fan and subscriber. I have seen every single video on your channel and have been anxious to finally start a SARM stack. I am 6' 4" and 206 lbs. I am currently on my first cycle of anything and I am taking Mk-677. I am hoping to gain some good, lean muscle from this. After I...
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