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  1. R

    Too many sarms?

    I’ve been taking lgd 4033 along with rad 140, and it’s been working great. My friend saw these results and decided to go from just using the same combo, and he added s4 and ostarine. I tried talking to him to see if he knows what he’s doing, but he just insists that he’s fine. I’m kinda worried...
  2. R

    Joint pain while on sarms?

    I got them from Pure Rawz. Their mk677 was on point, as the sides were what I would expect. But with this joint pain, im now wondering if the lgd or the rad 140 is legit. It would suck if they’re sending me tainted product, because I’ve already ordered s4 from them for after my break from the sarms.
  3. R

    Joint pain while on sarms?

    Hey guy, I’m new to the forum, so bear with me. I’ve been using sarms for about 8 weeks now in the following protocol. Rad140: 25 mg split into 2 doses per day. Lgd 4033: 10mg per day Mk677: 25mg per day So recently, about the 6 week point, I started having really bad joint pains. It takes...
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