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  1. M

    2nd cycle advice.

    My diet and training are are always in check. I've went from a fatass 300lbs to 190 and now back up to 244.
  2. M

    2nd cycle advice.

    Thanks man for awesome advice. I would hate to waste 4 weeks of gear. The doses good enough to see gains.
  3. M

    2nd cycle advice.

    So 8 weeks tops. I don't like orals but also considering adding Winny in a 50 mg a day for a finisher the last 4 weeks. I've been cruising on sustanon for 3 months now its going to hurt my myostatin.
  4. M

    2nd cycle advice.

    What would you run it at 10 weeks. The only reason I'm running it twelve weeks is from what I've read is that it don't really build up in your system till 2 weeks and I want a full 10 weeks of gains. On my test cycle I really didn't start gaining till my 5th week but it was more like a recomp...
  5. M

    2nd cycle advice.

    The main reason is I want to see how my body responds and if there is any sides from the DECA it will be out of my system faster. Iv also read that the short esters are less likely to bloat.
  6. M

    2nd cycle advice.

    I'm 28 6'1. Weighed myself Monday at the gym at 244. I've done two pH cycles which where DMZ 2.0 and trenavar. I've got one actual cycle under my belt a 10 seeker at 500 mg of test e.
  7. M

    2nd cycle advice.

    Testp 125mg EOD my bump it up to 150 mg. Npp 100 mg EOD Caber .5 mg twice a week m/th. Asin 12.5 mg EOD. Gw 20 mg ed. I'm wanting to run this for twelve weeks. I'm want to put on some lean mass to try to fill some of the loose skin i have around my waist from where I've lost so much weight...
  8. M

    new here

    I'm 28 years old from a small west Kentucky town. My states are 6'1 I'm at 244 lbs don't know what body fat % is. I've been lifting very consistent for about 3 years. I lifted some in highschool. Iv done two pH cycles and one 10 seeker of test e. Had really good gains from all of them. I was on...
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