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  1. H

    Low T tests, start sarms cycle?

    It won't impact your bloodwork, but I have a hunch your next stop will be an endocrinologist, and there will be even more blood work done (LH, FSH, etc...) Did you start puberty early or late? You say you've been training since you were 8, but that's kind of irrelevant until puberty really...
  2. H

    LGD-4033 PCT Critique

    Thanks guys!
  3. H

    LGD-4033 PCT Critique

    and I think I have like 90 nolva 10mg tabs... most are still good for a while. Might even have some 20mg around too....
  4. H

    LGD-4033 PCT Critique

    thanks for the feedback! Like I said, I have so much of this stuff laying around that will probably expire within a year. The exemestane tabs are 25mg and SO small (1/4" diameter).
  5. H

    LGD-4033 PCT Critique

    I'm in the process of running 8 weeks of LGD-4033 at 10mg every day. This is what I have laid out for PCT... nolva 40/30/20/10 Aromasin 25/18/12/6 GW-501516 20/20/20/20 Tribulus 750mg twice a day Testofen Fenugreek 300mg twice a day TForce (Fadogia) 375mg twice a day ZMA before bed Just trying...
  6. H

    PCT after SARM

    What about using Nolva or Torem instead? The only reason I ask is because I have a whole ton of 10mg tabs at home already. I'm going to post the PCT I have laid out in another post so as not to hijack this one. Thanks, HHH
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