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  1. P


    When will sr9009 be available at sarms1? I see it available on other sites. Thanks
  2. P

    Stack question

    If I'm currently on a stack: ostarine, s4 and GW. Can I add Ligandrol at the end of cycle, now... 1 week in cycle or wait till after pct? Thanks
  3. P

    Quality sarms

    I've already started both. What is wrong with the product?
  4. P

    Quality sarms

    I realize sarms 1 in the best place to get quality sarms... But I had already ordered gw and s4 prior from pure essentials. Are they ok? I don't want to mess with pro hormones! Thanks
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    Cardarine vs lgd

    Thank you!
  6. P

    Cardarine vs lgd

    What's the difference between cardarine and LGD, if both burn fat? Thanks
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    Adding ostarine

    Is there a more optimal time to take s4?
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    Adding ostarine

    Thanks for all your help and bothering you so much! Lol! I'll order sarms1 from now on....
  9. P

    Adding ostarine

    I ordered ostarine from isarms1��
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    Adding ostarine

    I had made one order so far thru pure essentials. So start pct when first 2 bottles finished or wait til all 3
  11. P

    Adding ostarine

    I was gonna start s4 and cardarine today and ordering ostarine today. Should I wait and start all at same time for timing of pct?
  12. P

    Adding ostarine

    Should I wait and start all on same day for pct start?
  13. P

    Adding ostarine

    My good cholesterol stays very low without peds. Still ok?
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    Adding ostarine

    I am starting cardarine and s4 Tmr. I'm wondering if ok to take some ostarine too for joint issues? Thanks
  15. P

    Orals and TRT

    Correct , thanks
  16. P

    Orals and TRT

    Neither sarms will change t levels up or down? Thanks
  17. P

    Orals and TRT

    What would be a good oral for mass if I'm taking TRT and don't won't test levels messed with? Thanks
  18. P

    Gw 501516

    Since this isn't really a sarms, is there need for pct?
  19. P

    PCT /sarms

    I looked on the site and didn't see a stack for this. Do you buy individually? Thanks
  20. P

    PCT /sarms

    I noticed a lot of people talking about pct after sarms cycle. I didn't think it was needed? Thanks
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