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    Tbol only cycle?

    Thoughts on sustanon 250 for a beginner cycle along with tbol and winstrol?
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    Tbol only cycle?

    Nice! You recommended me a stack of sarms so I'll stack with tbol. I'm 23 5'10" 160lbs and 10% bf. Looking to be around 185-190 7% bf
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    Tbol only cycle?

    I read up that tbol is one of the few orals that can be run stand alone? Is this true? I'm planning a sarms cycle but I do have plenty tbol so I'm curious if it is possible. This site has top of the line info thanks!!
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    New looking for info

    Will do for sure hopefully I can advice someone from first hand experience someday!! Thanks!!
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    New looking for info

    I appreciate it Dylan it's obvious I've gotten pretty shitty info so I'm glad I found you guys!! I'm quite new to enhancements hence my 'dumb' questions lol I'll def follow your advice and get the stack you recommended me asap. Thanks man!!
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    New looking for info

    Thanks guys you have been really really helpful from real experience rather than just recycling info you have seen or heard out there. I'll def take Dylan's stack into consideration and get my hands on it asap!! Any good sarms sources?
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    New looking for info

    Thanks for the reply it's obvious I've been misinformed on several things lol so no oral only cycle is a good idea?
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    New looking for info

    Thanks for the feedback. What about tbol and winstrol?
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    New looking for info

    Nice thanks Dylan!! So any opinions on my initial question? Thanks!!
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    New looking for info

    Some said it's possible to use methyl 1 test as a base for some part of the cycle that's why I have some. Again I've heard different things about it as well���� thanks for the tips! Btw which sarms would you recommend to help with muscle mass?
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    New looking for info

    I have done research but I feel like it's not very good info because most ppl online get their info from the same sources and wrong or inaccurate info gets recycled rather than being info from real experiences that's why I'm here. I've heard good and bad things of oral only cycles. And I want to...
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    New looking for info

    I'll be doing a 40 carbs 40 protein and 20 fat split on the macros
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    New looking for info

    I've mostly trained to stay in healthy shape but I want to start and put on some size and weight. I'm starting a bulking diet and tracking my macros. Daily caloric intake of around 2500 calories which is about 550 more than my rmr.
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    New looking for info

    I'm starting a cycle within a couple weeks. I have Turinabol (200/10mg), Winstrol (200/10mg), Clenbuterol (50/20mcg), and M1T (50/10mg). Also a complete PCT of Aromasin, Nolvadex and Clomid. I'm 23, 5'10" and 155lbs and really want to put on around 20 clean, sustainable pounds in anywhere from...
  15. A

    Stacking orals

    I'm starting a cycle within a couple weeks. I have Turinabol (200/10mg), Winstrol (200/10mg), Clenbuterol (50/20mcg), and M1T (50/10mg). Also a complete PCT of Aromasin, Nolvadex and Clomid. I'm 23, 5'10" and 155lbs and really want to put on around 20 clean, sustainable pounds in anywhere from...
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