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  1. F


    So SARMS in capsule is no good? I tried them in capsule last year. Please advise. Thank you
  2. F


    Question: I have local retailers telling me SARMS are goin to be banned to where we can no longer find. Does anybody know? I've also been told by out of state store owners that they are not banned yet and nothing has came down. I'm gettin mixed info. Please advise.
  3. F


    I have taken Ostarin before by itself and GW for 4 weeks by itself. Now I am trying S4 only no stack and been on it for two weeks but don't weight loss like I was told I would get. So now I am wondering should I stack and of so how much? I was told that s4 would get me to drop weight.
  4. F


    Sorry, I am wanting to drop about 10lbs. I am 225 and want to get to 215 and lean out. I would say my most problem is stomach area.
  5. F


    Sarm 6'1" 39 years old. Looking to stack sarms. S4, Ostarin, GW, pct and maybe during or after test Booster over the counter.
  6. F


    I am going to use a stack of sarms. Whats the best way to do it? Then a OCR after stack. What do you think? Please advise. Thank you for your time.
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