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  1. F

    Women and steroids

    Your the best, thank you.
  2. F

    Women and steroids

    Oh I know a Thanks gearhead I appreciate your input and will look into it. My husband had been running his cycles accordingly and at 42 he looks and feels great. If used correctly steroids can make your quality of life better. I'm not looking to get jacked just a little more...
  3. F

    Women and steroids

    I definitely will and I agree it's nice to get info from another woman.
  4. F

    Women and steroids

    Awesome, thanks👍
  5. F

    Women and steroids

    Thank you so much for all this info. I will be looking into this today. This is a great forum.
  6. F

    Women and steroids

    I never seen the video for woman..I will try to find them. Thank you
  7. F

    Women and steroids

    Miss Biz and stretch my stats are...5'8" 185lbs. I work out 5 days a week between lifting weights and cardio (boxing and kickboxing) and I'm 38. I have done pretty good in my diet but I have plateaued. Rick Rock, based on my stats is what you told me to do still valid? I appreciate everyone's help.
  8. F

    Women and steroids

    Ok, I was definitely look into it. Wish Dylan would do a YouTube video geared more towards women.
  9. F

    Women and steroids

    Is there a steroid out there for women that can help me get more cut up and lean. I tried Anavar and it did nothing for me.
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