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  1. S

    LGD and RAD140 in same cycle

    Anyone have any experience using both within the same cycle? From the research i have done, it appears that these are two of the more powerful SARMS, and also two of the more suppressive. I'm not really concerned about suppression from either, but running both seems like it might be fairly...
  2. S

    Question about RAD140 dosing

    So i was looking over the recommended dosing for the recomp stack which is as follows: 1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m. 1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m. 1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before...
  3. S

    Uhgg.. Like a kid having to wait until Christmas

    So this just arrived... As posted in a previous thread, it was suggested that i do a 4 week pct after a 4-week pill form LGD that ended a few days ago. So now, I'm sitting on this awesomeness until Christmas and it's eating me up like a kid waiting on his shiney new bike. Ugh, maybe ill make...
  4. S

    Recomp Stack -S4 question

    Awesome, thanks a bunch for the advice man. You guys have some awesome products here, and the fact that its all backed with community support and guidance really makes for top notch customer experience. Keep up the great work, its all greatly appreciated!
  5. S

    Recomp Stack -S4 question

    So I had mentioned in a previous thread that i was going to run the ultimate recomp stack (12 weeks). After looking through the forum here, I saw a post by RickRock about a bulking stack that he had recommended to a poster here, so i plan on following the dosage guide posted in that thread. My...
  6. S

    Switching off LGD pills to PE stack

    Ok, will do the pct first. I just ordered the ultra 12 week recomp stack, so I'll hold off a few weeks to start while I run my pct. Thanks a bunch guys. As always, extremely helpful. I have a question on the s4, but I'll start another thread for that.
  7. S

    Switching off LGD pills to PE stack

    So i have been running Super LGD (pill form) for about 30 days, and looking to switch off and to a PureEssense stack. I'm planning on taking advantage of the black friday deal and would like to know about how long i should wait before starting. I dont feel any suppression or sides from the...
  8. S

    Few questions regarding lgd-4033

    First off, I love the site. Full of good information and very helpful. I have a few concerns about an 8 week lgd-4033 (stand alone) run i'm planning. First off the product i chose was primeval labs super lgd which happens to be in capsule form. It wasnt until after i ordered that I found...
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