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  1. L

    Long overdue intro

    Hey... I know you too! Not too many guys named "Leotis" around, huh?
  2. L

    Test flu

    Not in my case...but that's just been my own personal experience. The most I've pinned in a single dose of test is 400mg though. My reaction was no different than a 200mg dose.
  3. L

    Dbol vs. Anadrol

    Yeah... Dbol definitely has the edge as far as that "alpha male" feeling goes, for sure.
  4. L

    Splitting Aromasin 25mg

    ^^^This. Makes life soooo much easier. Plus, the one I use catches all the crumbs and dust for you...if there is any.
  5. L

    Test flu

    I got a very, very slight case of it the first time I pinned TNE. Not bad at all...just a touch. Never happened again.
  6. L

    Long overdue intro

    I like it here already!
  7. L

    Asking Dr. for Aromasin instead of Arimidex

    Yeah...that's the key. I've got my next appt Nov 5th and I'm going to beg, weedle, whine, and cajole until I get that script for aromasin. I'd kill to have a 30 day supply of pharm grade aromasin for $15 every month.
  8. L

    What are you listening to when you train?

    Damn straight! The 3 kings wrote the rulebook for modern electric guitar! Shit... can't leave Johnny out either... he's my favorite albino!
  9. L

    Favorite Testosterone Ester?

    I prefer Cyp...mostly because I'm on TRT and I get 2 1ml vials of Perrigo T Cyp every month. Always dosed right on the money, clean as a whistle and smooth as a baby's butt to pin. And it plays nicely with the other...ummmm..."supplements" I augment it with when I'm not cruising. Right now...
  10. L

    What are you listening to when you train?

    For me... oldskool Van Halen (with DLR- the only REAL VH), Guns n' Roses, Ozzy (especially with Randy or Jake), Ratt, Motley Crue, AC/DC, Maiden, Zepplin, Jimi Hendrix, SRV, Gov't Mule, Judas Priest, Sabbath, STP, RHCP, old pre-sucking Aerosmith, Dokken, Black Label Society, sometimes the 3...
  11. L

    Long overdue intro

    Will do! Thanks for the welcome!
  12. L

    Dbol vs. Anadrol

    I was just about to say the same. I have lisinopril for Dbol cycles and the like. Dbol is wet as hell too... definitely recommend Aromasin ideally for an AI. Adex would be my 2nd choice. All the water retention with a wet compound like Dbol or Anadrol will certainly contribute to BP issues..
  13. L

    Long overdue intro

    Thanks man! I recognize you from one of my other haunts... ASF.
  14. L

    Intro for myself

    Welcome man... I've got a very similar set of circumstances myself. Getting back into the game after a forced exit due to a motorcycle accident and way too long a reliance on opioid pain meds to function daily. Glad to be back on track and back where I need to be... the GYM!
  15. L

    Long overdue intro

    What's up guys and gals? I've been a longtime lurker and figured it was time to register and introduce myself. My name is Brian... been in and around the game a loooooong time, but I'm getting back into it again full-force after a way too long layoff. Looking forward to continuing to learn as...
  16. L

    Anyone try Mountain Dog Training by John Meadows

    Modified dogg crapp, or different entirely?
  17. L

    Asking Dr. for Aromasin instead of Arimidex

    You would think... I've been trying for three months to get my endo to prescribe Aromasin and HCG...or at least adex and hcg, and all I get is a blank look and a flat "no". Maybe I need to take a Victoria's Secret catalog to my next appointment and ask her which bra she's gonna buy me....?
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