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  1. F

    Training Frequency

    Hi Dylan, I purchased some LGD 4033 and GW from SARMX to experiment and to see what SARMS could do for me. They worked great!!! As a result I have decided to go ahead and purchase the SARMS that you had recommended to me to bulk. In the stack is LGD, RAD-140, MK-677 and GW. As I am an amateur...
  2. F

    LGD and Cardarine

    HI Dylan, I just received some LGD-4033 and cardarine from sarmsx and am wondering if there is any negative to running them together for bulking? I have read in some places that the cardarine may prevent some muscle gain? thanks
  3. F

    SARMS to Australia

    Awesome!! is there ever a problem with customs? and does the package have any labels or anything? pretty much i don't want my family to think i'm taking steroids so it''s better they have no idea what it is
  4. F

    SARMS to Australia

    Hi Dylan, i have been watching a lot of your videos online and a big fan of what your doing!! I know you recommend sarmsx and i'm just wondering if there is any problem with shipping it to Australia? In addition i am an MMA fighter and am looking to put on approximately 11 pounds withing the...
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