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  1. S

    HCG dosage on Test E cycle

    Thanks Dylan, really appreciate your help. I'll tweak it as recommended. My goal is to gain 8-10 pounds while maintaining bf%. I plan is to start this in the new year so I'll come back and let you know how it goes!
  2. S

    HCG dosage on Test E cycle

    Hey Guys, After messing around investigating orals for a while, I've decided my first cycle should be a test only cycle. Stats are below along with cycle details. Just wanted to see if there was anything you would recommend changing? I also wanted to know if I should be splitting the dosage...
  3. S

    Advice on Dianabol

    Thanks Rick I've decided after taking on board comments above and doing a lot more research, that Tbol is the way to go for me. Sarms and injectables don't appeal to me so the protocol will be as follows: Tbol - weeks 1-6 40mg ED (possibly increasing to 60mg depending on body's response)...
  4. S

    Advice on Dianabol

    Thanks for all the pointers guys. I've no way made my mind up, that's the reason for being here and asking for advice! I'll take on board what you've said and do some more research. I'm definately not going to rush into anything.
  5. S

    Advice on Dianabol

    Hi there, I'm looking to start a Dianabol only cycle and wanted to run the plan by some guys in the know! I'm 27 and have been training seriously for about 5 years. I'm 5'9 and 167lbs at 11% body fat. I play rugby and looking to add some weight. My goal is to keep it controlled, avoid as much...
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