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  1. N

    How do I run the perfect PCT? A new video by the SARMS Expert

    Very helpful information for us folks! Thank you for clarifying this PCT protocol out!
  2. N

    Why I stopped using steroids: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    I am in your videos so much, constantly learning daily. You're doing very good job man.
  3. N

    How do I control the cardio side effects with tren? A new video by the SARMS expert

    Tren+Cardarine is the best freaking combo out there. I am on it since 2017.
  4. N

    Anadrol or Superdrol?

    From what I know about these two Oral Steroids the best one is anadrol, I taste it and fell me so powered.
  5. N

    Cholesterol repair

    DGA organ is an awesome high quality product, it also helps to repair your liver. Works like a charm
  6. N


    I always have my blood checked every year so I don't have to run any cycle as.
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