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  1. K

    Mix and Match buy 4 get 3 free problems Pure essence

    I second this plz add sr9009 to mix n match ;-)
  2. K

    surprise in today's mail box + dosing question

    OK added/ordered the healing and recovery stack :)
  3. K

    Phurious HGH has landed!!

    Very Very cool... and very interested HGH is my fav.
  4. K

    Hi new member

    welcome a lot of knowledge here :)
  5. K

    Anyone heard of / have feedback on: Lifetech Laps peptides? (link)

    Anyone heard of / have feedback on: Lifetech Laps peptides?
  6. K

    Next trt research has begun

    Very Very cool .. excited to hear results. (although IMHO 20 is very low for HRT, would like to have seen it start at 30ish) Regardless, Thanks for the update :)
  7. K

    Next trt research has begun

    what are their ages?
  8. K

    Iron Dragon Quality Check

    Yes peptides
  9. K

    Iron Dragon Quality Check

    PE doesn't have everything :( :( Wanted to check quality from Thanks...
  10. K

    Phurious HGH... It's time

    Dylan are you still running this?
  11. K

    Can I get some info on AICAR?

    Nice man! Can't wait to see it. :) :)
  12. K

    Can I get some info on AICAR?

    I am on TRT for life... brand name =cyp or enan (i switch off) I have leftover Var, winny, deca (i know those aren't good with endurance) I STILL may use low dose var because i am in the off season and don't get "pumps" as bad as most... I like PE: GW, SR9009,S4 (may try mk2866 and mk677) Yah...
  13. K

    Can I get some info on AICAR?

    OK cool!!! I'll look for the TB500. How long can you run TB500 for? How long do you need to take off of AICAR before using it again? Have you seen any cyclists run/stack CJC-1295 DAC? Keep me posted on your PE: GW, SR9009, Low dose test, Low dose Bold Ace, Low dose NPP, EPO, AICAR Stack...
  14. K


    Thanks!!! Can I stretch it to 17??? If I want to be on it during a race? Or should I restructure my timing?
  15. K


    How long can you run GW-501516 at 20mg / day before giving your body a break? Can it be extended beyond the rest of a stack? Assume on TRT dose of TEST too (with no breaks)
  16. K

    Can I get some info on AICAR?

    Ahhh OK cool thanks .. makes sense now :) :) :) Have you looked into dosing it at 10mg / day verses 8mg every other day? Can you only take it for a month before giving your body a break? Any good places for TB500? ... that sounds interesting too :)
  17. K

    Can I get some info on AICAR?

    Maybe I am seeing it wrong ... (am I allowed to post this link?)
  18. K

    Any you guys ever get on Alinboard?

    Glad you keep the scammers out
  19. K

    Can I get some info on AICAR?

    Thanks Iwannagofaster both of the places you mentioned = 100mg vials - how does that compare with the 25mg ones you were mentioning? I think you were saying 25mg vial x 3ml with 1ml every other day or approx 8mg every other day...
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