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  1. K

    Test esters

    Hey dylan i just want to get a point about testosterone esters , if the half life of test enanthate is 10 days ,does that mean if i inject 200mg the first ten days its 200mg in my blood, the second ten days 100mg in my blood, third ten days 50mg, fourth ten days 25mg, fifth ten days 12.5mg...
  2. K

    Hgh frag 176-191 vs gw50156

    Hey dylan i want your opinion on which is better for fat loss and vascularity Hgh frag 176-191 vs gw50156 And how can i find the legit one ?
  3. K

    starting a new cycle

    Hey dylan i just want your opinion on starting a new cycle. Im on my 4th week following pct of my last cycle (8weeks from last injection) I did test prop for 8 weeks and i was planning to get a good mass but unfortunately it didnt add any sort of mass just one or two lbs im not sure. Now the...
  4. K

    PCT help

    Hey dylan what do you think of this pct for 10weeks test cycle : Nolvadex 20/20/10/10 Clomid 50/50/25/25 Arimastine 75mg/ ED Laxogenin 50mg/ED Powerfull test booster : DAA , tribulus, tongkat ali, fenugreek, zinc , vit D , magnesium . All this preceded by 4 weeks of hcg about 700...
  5. K

    nutrobal Mk677

    Good morning dylan Does mk677 cause hpta suppression ? Can it be used in pct ? Should it be used for only 4weeks in pct or one can use it for like 3 months after cycle ? Thanx
  6. K

    Winstrol first and last 3 weeks of test cycle

    Hello dylan i really want to thank you for helping , im doing 10 weeks cycle of test prop , i used winstrol for the first three weeks of my cycle and i couldnt get another bottle i was planning to take it for 6 weeks , now there is one in my hand, im planning to use it for the last 3 weeks for...
  7. K

    Test prop delt injection

    Hello dylan im on my test prop cycle EOD injection , i inject only in glutes -its painful - till now and i noticed scar tissue under skin , now i want to ask you if i can inject it in the delts although ive never had injections in delt before , will it be more or less painful in ur opinion ...
  8. K

    Testicular shrinkage

    Hey dylan i just have couple of questions that i need you to clarify please , about the testicular shrinkage : will keeping estrogen levels normal on cycle reduce the suppression ? and will a cycle of 8 weeks test 400mg/week cause a shrinkage ? If yes how to combat it ? I understand that its a...
  9. K

    Test booster on cycle

    Hey dylan Please dylan i want you to answer this question ive been searching a lot and couldn't find the real answer so i decided to send you this email : can i use test boosters like fenugreek, tribulus, fodgia,...etc ON CYCLE to prevent or just decrease suppression ?
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