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  1. L

    Proper introduction

    Thanks everyone for the replies. It feels like a real privilege to be here. I'll be sure to look into ordering what you mentioned today Dylan, at least for the time being I do have the nolvadex and clomid on hand. There's so much going on behind the scenes when it comes to our bodies. I hope...
  2. L

    Proper introduction

    Thanks guys a I really appreciate the information. I'll definitely be running a more thorough pct, at least I've got the nolva and clomid on hand as of today. I'll check out the things you mentioned in your reply this morning as well @Dylan. And no more oral-only cycles... Ever.
  3. L

    Thank you

    Thanks guys!
  4. L

    Proper introduction

    Yeah it was definitely a terrible idea, not something I'll be running again (probably no orals period if I ever got the aas route in the future). Also stupid, I have not done blood work and I just stopped the dianabol , what would make the PCT more thorough in your opinion? Quantity / duration /...
  5. L

    Thank you

    Thanks so much again. I'll be sticking around for sure, I've been exploring the forums and your videos more and it seems like there are a lot of good people and good minds here!
  6. L

    Proper introduction

    Hey, I'm 27 going on 28 this summer, 5 foot 5. I had been going to gym for a couple of years but fell extremely ill last year to the point of hospitalization more than once. I lost around 60lbs of overall mass. (I lost 15 pounds from 175 to 160lbs after I quit some medications I was on, then...
  7. L

    Thank you

    Hey Dylan, Recently stumbled across the videos on youtube and learned a lot, it's scary how much misinformation is out there. I was very sick last year so a 'friend' of mine recommended dianabol now that I'm better to gain some mass back (lost ~40 lbs last year without getting into the...
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