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  1. G

    Platinum Labs Anavar

    Thanks....wasn’t sure which side to post it on.
  2. G

    Platinum Labs Anavar

    I’m getting towards the end of my Test Cyp/Tren E cycle and had a little accident causing my last vial of Tren to break! So gonna finish up with Test Cyp 500mg/week and PL Var 50mg/day. I’m 6’4” 220lbs and about 12% BF. Is 50mg/day of Platinum Labs Var good? As a bigger framed guy do I need...
  3. G

    Robo Test Cyp blood work

    I got it from my Buddies source. A couple friends have used his gear and seen decent results. But neither one is very serious when it comes to their program or diet. I’m in week 4 of a Test Cyp 300mg/week and Tren E 600mg/wk cycle kickstarted with Tbol. I’ll have to look at the vials later when...
  4. G

    Robo Test Cyp blood work

    I just read some reviews of the gear I’m currently using being under dosed so I just ordered blood work. It’s obvious that Robos gear is NOT underdosed. Can I get a pm from one of Robos reps please? May need to switch things up if the lab numbers for my gear are no good.
  5. G

    Caber source needed

    Which female hormone panel should I get from them? They have a few different ones.
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