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  1. J

    LGD, TRT upcoming labs

    Ive looked around and can’t seem to find the answer to this…. I’m currently on prescribed trt through my doc. I have labs coming up in about 6 weeks. I’ve run LGD a few times in the past and want to jump back on. My question is, if I start now with the intention of running it for 12 weeks, will...
  2. J

    How to properly dose S4... The Dylan Gemelli Method

    Ok... so upon further investigation, its quite simple to spit the dose in half with these capsules. So now I'm up to 75mg per day. We'll see how this goes and I'll report back if anyone is interested.
  3. J

    How to properly dose S4... The Dylan Gemelli Method

    Loving this thread...I'm currently running 25 mg Mk2866 and 60mg s4 (split in 2 doses). I've been at this for just over 6 weeks and seeing great results for an old boy. The s4 sides are very minimal and are only noticeable when Im tired. Very slight yellow tint at night and my eyes are a...
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