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  1. D

    New to forum and SArMs

    Before I purchase the Shred stack... I decided to start with MK and GW. Around two weeks in I noticed I had gained more weight and my strength increase has been tremendous. My cloths are fitting me better even though I'm heavier. I am only trying these two for my first trail to see if the...
  2. D

    New to forum and SArMs

    Thanks for the response Dylan. This is best forum I have ever been apart of. I appreciate the knowledge and the access.
  3. D

    New to forum and SArMs

    Great response I was looking for the same answer. I'm 6'0 256lbs about 25% body fat and have a goal of reaching 10% (non-athlete). Hopefully this stack will help. I'm going to try it for 8 weeks. As a side question to follow with what Tina had asked. I currently wear glasses. Is there any...
  4. D

    BIG ANNOUNCEMENT on forum changes and updates coming! Video included!

    I'm glad to hear about more positive change. I really enjoy the knowledge in this forum.
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