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  1. H

    Depression and T-Cycle

    that moment when you realize that the first person ever actually did the suggested bloodwork ^^
  2. H

    Depression and T-Cycle

    Here are my results: (Image attachment did not work so I uploaded the results here) Cheers!
  3. H

    Depression and T-Cycle

    Thanks for your post. I tried a lot of things the past few years (meditation, several ssris, 5 htp, endurance sports, 5 years of cognitive behavioral therapy ongoing, brain scans, blood tests, general health checks ... just to name just a few). I train regularly, am not over weight and eat...
  4. H

    Depression and T-Cycle

    I did my bloodwork today, I'll post the results within the next days when I got the results. Cheers brothers!
  5. H

    Depression and T-Cycle

    thanks for your answers, I really appreciate them. I read that TRT is actually used to treat depression and anxiety. I have anxiety and depression issues for over 8 years now and took antidepressants for alomst 5 years and I want to try a different approach. I heard about TRT on a Joe Rogan...
  6. H

    Depression and T-Cycle

    Hi Dylan, I got a 3 years old kid. My energy levels are very low and want to try a testosterone only cycle to lift my mood up and get more energy for the day / work / training. I'm really struggling at the moment and need your advice. I'm on lexapro (cipralex in germany) 10mg every day which...
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