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  1. K

    Gyno doubt

    Alright ill do it tomorrow morning and post it here. Will u help me on what to do next?
  2. K

    Gyno doubt

    29 15% bf 6'1" 85 kgs 4 years of continuous lifting. Hey, i started an anabol(25mg) ed and test E 250mg twice a week. Arimidex 0.5mg eod. On my 9th day i felt burning all over my chest, i dropped anabol and wasted it as i came to know k shouldn't be using it in my first cycle. I took 1mg...
  3. K

    Winstrol and test e

    I said I'm saving it for my next cycle. I'll try losing enough fat after this bulk cycle is done. And ill only take it if I below 10% bf. Im here for the advices. And im taking each advice very serious.
  4. K

    Winstrol and test e

    6 weeks of injecting test cycle right? Meaning if im injecting test for 10 weeks.I'll start winstrol on week 5?and end at 10.
  5. K

    Winstrol and test e

    Yes i will save winstrol for my second cycle. Can you guide me how to use winstrol with test e? Because i am trying to start my research on this winstrol and test e stack from today. So that when i start it in my second cycle i have all the knowledge. Plus most of my fat is stored in my lower...
  6. K

    Winstrol and test e

    I'm in perfect condition, very muscular, more than 4 years of continuous training, I have oats, whey protein, 2 full chicken breasts, 200 grams of lean beef, whole wheat meals, alot of vegetables, peanut butter, in my diet. I am on my first test E cycle right now. Just wanted to know if i can...
  7. K

    Winstrol and test e

    Heyy, can i take winstrol on my first cycle with test e? 29 16% bf 6'1" 87 kgs Test e 500mg a week.(total 10 weeks) Winstrol (50mg a day in last 3 weeks, week 8,9,10) Hcg 1000 IUS a week (week ,9,10,11, 12) Pct week 12 after the last hcg. Arimidex. 5 eod during the whole cycle then shifting to...
  8. K


    True that brother. Because i already have a lot of good muscle and im in a perfect shape. But from the last year my size has stopped growing. Even with a good diet. That's why i planned to start a cycle.
  9. K


    Hcg 1000IU a week in my last 2 weeks of cycle and also In 2 weeks of Esther clearance. Then for pct Aromasin 12.5 mg eod (4 weeks) NOLVADEX 40/40/20/20 Clomid 50/25/25/25 That's my plan for the pct. Is it alright or it's also fucked up?
  10. K


    Alright bro. My trainer here told me to start dbol 25mg and test e 500 mg. My plan, pct, hcg, AI's everything were according to your videos. But he fucked up. He says i can't gain muscle on test e only, dbol is necessary. Well screw him. Thanks again brother.
  11. K


    Alright bro. No dbol from tommorow. Thank you so much. Would arimidex .5 mg eod be Enough as i am already taking this dosage ? because i was thinking of changing it 1mg eod as i feel a little itchiness on my chest and neck .
  12. K


    Yes my 1st week is completed. My strength has doubled already gained prominent muscle i am all lean except my lower belly that's where most of my fat is stored that's why I'm on 16% bf can see 4 abs, but lower belly is a little chubby, will only take dbol for 3 weeks. Should i stop taking it...
  13. K


    Hello everyone. New here. I am started my first cycle of dbol 25mg every day and 500mg test every week. The only confusion i have is how much and how often to use the AI i have both aromasin and arimidex with me. Should i use arimidex 0.5mg every day or eod? Or aromasin 12.5 mg every day or eod...
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