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  1. K

    Estrogen issues

    How much would be the low dose? I mean 12.5mg twice a week? 6.25mg eod, something like this or what?
  2. K

    Estrogen issues

    Hey dylan i wanted to know one more thing. Now as we know im not that estrogen prone as it's crashed on a very low AI .would i still need 12.5mg aromasin eod in my pct?
  3. K

    Estrogen issues

    Alright man. Thanks again
  4. K

    Estrogen issues

    One more question, 0.25 every three days for 4 weeks right? Then bloodwork
  5. K

    Estrogen issues

    I was taking the standard dosage man.even i used for anabol for 9 days which converts to estrogen so fast. I don't know why i crushed my estrogen on this standard dosage. Thanks to you i got my bloodwork done. Ill take. 0.25mg every three days now for 4 weeks then retest. Thanks man
  6. K

    Gyno doubt

    Alright thanks man. Will probably bother you again in 3-4 weeks
  7. K

    Gyno doubt

    Alright. And when should i get another blood work done?
  8. K

    Gyno doubt

    Alright brother. I inject twice a week. Should i take arimidex with the injections?
  9. K

    Estrogen issues

    How much should i dose it then? 0.5mg Twice a week or what? Can you tell me dosage that would suit me
  10. K

    Estrogen issues

    I am thinking to take arimidex 0.5mg every three days. Then get another blood work done after 3 weeks and see the difference. But I hope Dylan comes up with something better
  11. K

    Estrogen issues

    Exactly man. I was expecting it to be way higher than normal. But it's low. The day i stopped taking anabol i took 25mg of aromasin. I don't know whats the reason.
  12. K

    Estrogen issues

    But i thought arimidex 0.5mg eod would be good for me on test e 400mgs a week. Should i drop it to 0.5mg every three days?
  13. K

    Estrogen issues

    29 6'1 15% bf 87kgs I started my first cycle 17 days ago. 25mg anabol a day, 400mg test E a week. 0.5mg arimidex eod, By day 9th i had burn in my chest specially nipple area so i got gyno doubts, Dylan told me to drop anabol. I dropped it. The pain is still here so i got a bloodwork done. My...
  14. K

    Gyno doubt

    Hey Dylan. I got my bloodwork done all testesterone report is still pending. I'll get it in 10 hours but i got my estradiol which is <10 . And as far as I know it's below normal. Then why do i have a burn in my chest specially nipple area? And should i decrease my AI? im takin arimidex 0.5 eod...
  15. K

    Gyno doubt

    Hey Dylan. I got my bloodwork done all testesterone report is still pending. I'll get it in 10 hours but i got my estradiol which is <10 . And as far as I know it's below normal. Then why do i have a burn in my chest specially nipple area? And should i decrease my AI? im takin arimidex 0.5 eod...
  16. K

    Nutrition while on gear

    Then what do you suggest? 2000 a day? Or what? Just give me an idea of a figure and I'll try my best
  17. K

    Nutrition while on gear

    Alright thanks dylan. I was totally avoiding it. Was taking it at max 1000 . I'll put some of it on my chicken too now
  18. K

    Nutrition while on gear

    Internet problems man. It got posted on its own. I even tried to delete it but couldn't. Sorry man
  19. K

    Nutrition while on gear

    87kgs 29 15% bf 6'1" Hey i am on my first test e cycle. I wanted to know how much sodium can i take per day? Some say i should take more to recover the loss in sweat some say i should take less to avoid water retention. Please guide me on this. 2000 is more or less? How much can i take just let...
  20. K

    Gyno doubt

    Ill tell everything as soon as my blood works are done
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