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  1. Freestyle Kyle

    Lazy and Psychic Questions will no longer be answered...

    Unfortunately, I think that the kinds of people who whip up a quick profile so that they can post whatever is randomly on their mind to this forum aren't going to see this warning anyway but... one can only try and hope.
  2. Freestyle Kyle

    TRT and Body Building

    I see. It was my inclination that the article I read referencing women and their Test levels was kinda bogus, but I wanted to get experienced opinions on it either way. Regardless of that, my main inquiry was the whole "how much can a jump from 255 to 700 really make a difference in someones...
  3. Freestyle Kyle

    TRT and Body Building

    I was curious what you guys think about this because there is quite a bit of conflicting information out there. Some sources say that testosterone is not reallyyyy as important for building a great body as people think. It will be hard to gain mass of course, but these sources and discussions...
  4. Freestyle Kyle

    on TRT and decided to run a cycle. Please Help.

    I am in a deficit based on my metabolic rate of course. I would hope that no one (especially someone being COACHED in nutrition) is seriously THAT far behind on their fitness knowledge and planning to run steroids lol. I tried to stress in my original post that I have worked out, not just a...
  5. Freestyle Kyle

    on TRT and decided to run a cycle. Please Help.

    Thanks a lot, Dylan. I would prefer to by the gear ahead of time but, regardless. If you insist that I should get to 12-13% before I even order it, then that's what I shall do. I will return in 2-3 months with updates and pictures to check again.
  6. Freestyle Kyle

    on TRT and decided to run a cycle. Please Help.

    Ok well I will do that then. My diet is quite good I believe. I have worked with a coach for a while. I have counted my macros to a tee for a long time, including lots of lean protein sources, nuts, and veggies as much as possible. (Currently on 200p/190c/60f) I havn't done any bod-pod readings...
  7. Freestyle Kyle

    on TRT and decided to run a cycle. Please Help.

    Hi Everyone, I'm honored to be officially making my first post here. This forum and its posters, as well as Dylan himself, are awesome people. But I won't bore you with what you already know ;) , I'll just get right to it. I am 30 years old. I used to watch Dylan's videos long ago because the...
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