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  1. R

    Adding rad 140 to trt libido?

    I'm reading conflicting reports. I'm on trt 150mg a week split into 2 doses but I would like to add rad 140 Will it effect my libido? I was thinking of starting off at 10mg a day?
  2. R

    Sarms with pituitary micro adenoma(tumor)

    Thanks for the response. They will be testing my prolactin levels again along with cortisol and igf. So let's see how things go.
  3. R

    Sarms with pituitary micro adenoma(tumor)

    I have a micro adenoma which is a benign tumour the size of a dot, my hormonal blood panels are all normal except for prolactin level which my endocrinologist is prescribing cabergoline for. I bought 12 weeks supply of ostarine and mk677 and now wondering if I can take them?
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