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  1. J


    Nope...def not eBay... I have purity results from 2 separate labs on them...quite confident in their authenticity... But all I really need are some answers on how best to take these compounds when I have them in powder form... I def don't need any further advertising for sarmsx... But thank you
  2. J


    So what would be my next best move to take?? Suspend them both?? If so... How ?
  3. J


    Can I take these 2 compounds in powder form sublingual??
  4. J

    Hey bro... Reading ur post here... Lemme ask... The mk677...sublingual...was it in powder form...

    Hey bro... Reading ur post here... Lemme ask... The mk677...sublingual...was it in powder form?? Cause I also am 35 and just grabbed some on a whim and am unsure if I can use it in raw powder form...and that's what I have well as ostarine...same question...can I take it in raw powder form...
  5. J

    Need help!!!

    I just got 2 grams of ostarine powder and a gram of ibutamoren...I intend on adding a gram of cardarine as well...however I can't seem to get a straight answer about wether I can ingest the powder straight on the compounds....I'm told I can by some and others tell me it needs to be...
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