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    SARMS in-cycle Nutrition and Workouts

    Yeah absolutely, thanks for all the amazing help. As far as actual SARMS go I don't have anymore questions. My only remaining thoughts is what kinda surplus I should run to maximize lean gains with a shred look, especially with the added help of GW for fat control. Maybe you have any thoughts or...
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    SARMS in-cycle Nutrition and Workouts

    I'm gonna do the Carnadine at 20mg a day like you suggested. I'm excited and curious to see what type of lean mass and physique improvements come from this cycle
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    SARMS in-cycle Nutrition and Workouts

    With a surplus of 250 ish and clean diet for this bulk, hypothetically, will Carnadine prevent any fat from being put on, minimize it or even burn body fat to a lower amount than it was at the beginning of the cycle? And would it be acceptable to take 10 mg of RAD140 and Cardarine? How might...
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    SARMS in-cycle Nutrition and Workouts

    Also decided to add Cardarine to the cycle to in order to help with fat burn during a bulking phase. Can't wait to see how it goes!
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    SARMS in-cycle Nutrition and Workouts

    I just purchased a full cycle of an Ostarine and RAD140. Any thoughts on what to expect with a very clean diet and slightly, probs about 200-250 calories, above maintenance?
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    SARMS in-cycle Nutrition and Workouts

    The stack I would use for this cycle would be Ostarine and RAD140. Hopefully I'll see results similar to what you just described
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    SARMS in-cycle Nutrition and Workouts

    So with shredding in mind do you still eat above maintenance keepind size gains in mind, or would you suggest dropping slightly below maintenance? And can someone still put on size during a SARMS cycle eating below maintenance? Thanks for all the feedback
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    SARMS in-cycle Nutrition and Workouts

    Thanks RickRock, I understand where you're coming from. I already have my macros dialed in and understand you can still put on fat during a cycle. I guess my question just boils down to whether an Ostarine and RAD140 stack is better for a recomp or more of a bulk and which one will produce...
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    SARMS in-cycle Nutrition and Workouts

    Dylan, thanks for all the amazing, credible information. I have a few questions regarding nutrition, macronutrient ratios and ideal rep ranges to maximize gains and results from a SARMS cycle. What rep range would maximize hypertrophy and maximize lean muscle growth leading to a more defined and...
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    SARMS Stacking Recommendation

    Dylan, I'e done hours and hours of research on SARMS and have watched your videos so I have a good idea of SARMS and what exactly I want to do, but I wanted to ask for your suggestion before I make a final decision. I'm an athlete who competes in football and hockey and who takes my workouts...
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