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  1. Billy Ray

    Discontinuation of TRT (Post Cycle Therapy Advice for recovery)

    You’re experiencing the equivalent of a full on depression in everything you just described. The worries re physical changes are going to add to it Just look fwd to Xmas, drugs out of system, certainly mood elevated from where you are now. Your mind could be highlighting things that aren’t as...
  2. Billy Ray

    Discontinuation of TRT (Post Cycle Therapy Advice for recovery)

    Sorry to hear this mate You know you need the pct, just have to stick it out. As pills taper you’ll feel better I suppose you need a coping mechanism. I know at least 1 guy needed antidepressants to get through and over pct. you probably feel antisocial, work is tough. Personally I use some...
  3. Billy Ray

    Growth Hormone Cycle

    And at 2-4ius you don't need any ancillary support for hgh
  4. Billy Ray

    Growth Hormone Cycle

    Something to keep in mind, brand of hgh would influence dosing i.e. Pharma v Chinese, 2iu pharma maybe = 4iu Chinese. People tend to see effects 4-6 month mark Frag157 peptide is the fat loss part of hgh and might work out cheaper for you. Again need to dose at right time of day, tied into...
  5. Billy Ray

    Discontinuation of TRT (Post Cycle Therapy Advice for recovery)

    PS sustanon pct is around 21 days after last shot, IMO
  6. Billy Ray

    Discontinuation of TRT (Post Cycle Therapy Advice for recovery)

    Not looking to hijack thread but interesting to see you can get trt in uk. I hadn't heard of it here. Cringe at them using sustanon though. No wonder your hormones and mood were up and down I've started using test cyp for my own trt but I'm doing this myself not through a specialist
  7. Billy Ray

    Introducing myself

    Firstly sorry if this is in wrong forum area. I'm struggling to navigate on my phone! Been enjoying Dylan's and The 44's videos on YouTube and decided to sign up here. stats; Age 40 Height 6'1 Weight 98kg Body fat % not sure Years of training 18 Complete cycle history - recently started self...
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