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  1. ZeroToHero

    Ridiculous PIP. Advice please

    I am running a Robolics Labs stack of TestC/EQ blend and my first pin was on Friday the 7th. I have always read that Robolics gear is extremely smooth going in and almost never gives anyone PIP. So for that reason I'm highly skeptical that this could be from contaminated gear or something. I...
  2. ZeroToHero

    Test/EQ/Anavar Cycle Advice Please

    Makes perfect sense. I've heard a lot of guys explain that before (in much less detail). I will stick to normal HCG protocol as you've laid out. Thanks for the great advice as usual Dylan. Do you think it is a good idea to take HCGenerate throughout my cycle to keep natural shutdown to a...
  3. ZeroToHero

    Test/EQ/Anavar Cycle Advice Please

    That's what I'm debating about. In the past I've just used HCG as a two week blast before PCT starts. But lately I've been reading a lot about the benefits of not letting your natural LH production crash by taking HCG throughout. In your experience, is there any real difference or benefit to...
  4. ZeroToHero

    Test/EQ/Anavar Cycle Advice Please

    Hmmm alright then. That is solid advice. I have enough gear on hand to stretch it to 14 weeks I think. I may order two more vials of test and EQ then just to be sure. Because you are definitely right, if I am loving the way I'm feeling at week 12, it would be nice to have the gear on hand to...
  5. ZeroToHero

    Test/EQ/Anavar Cycle Advice Please

    Thanks! It was the name of my punk band back in High School lol. We were terrible. Anyways I'm glad I found my way over here as well! What I have on hand is everything except the Ostarine and GW. I've always used GeoPeptides for my PCT stuff and it seems to be great quality every time. I had a...
  6. ZeroToHero

    Test/EQ/Anavar Cycle Advice Please

    Well shit, the HCGenerate yes, but that's because you always talked about how great it is on Evo! lol....I actually haven't bought any Sarms yet. When I saw that you left it made me nervous. Did you find out that they are just putting empty fillers in their supplements or something?
  7. ZeroToHero

    Test/EQ/Anavar Cycle Advice Please

    Hey guys! New to this forum, but came over from Evo. I started my next cycle today and just wanted some advice to make sure I'm doing everything right. A couple things I'll say before I lay out my cycle. I am a competitive CrossFitter and I am taking this cycle for performance benefits only...
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