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  1. W


    Not using anything besides the two compounds and the estrogen control. nothings changed in my deit. it was just last nite tht it was really bad and couldnt sleep. I'm give it a few more days before i visit the doc
  2. W


    Fuck bro I couldnt sleep at all last nite, I've had it for about a week. Distracts me from getting work done too at the office
  3. W


    Guys I'm having excessive itching all over my body, could this have anything to do with my Test and EQ cycle, I'm just taking aromsin every 3rd day or is it probbly something else. Going to see a doctor today but I dont want to tell him that I'm on gear
  4. W

    Adding Another compound

    I'ma use Tbol for 6 weeks but I was wondering on your guys thoughts to use winstrol for the last 3 weeks of my cycle. Too much for a second cycle?
  5. W

    Adding Another compound

    alright I'll prolly use it the last 6 weeks of my cycle. 50-60 mg a day dosed twice a day, Once in the AM and once in the PM. I'm running Tudca, do I need to run any other kind of liver support or is the sufficient enough?
  6. W

    Adding Another compound

    Ight thanks bro. I'll prolly use it for the last 6 week of my cycle. 50-60 mg a day with a split dose, one in the AM and one in the PM. I'm using tudca already is the sufficent enough since I know Tbol is toxic to the liver or is there some other cycle support I should run?
  7. W

    Adding Another compound

    I've already started by test and Eq cycle bro
  8. W

    Adding Another compound

    Alright I'm thinking about going with T-bol since this cycle, my primary focus is to add as much size as I can. Should I start whenever or is it better to start toward the end of the cycle ? Also is there water retention associated with Tbol or is it pretty clean gains?
  9. W

    Adding Another compound

    alright thanks guys. Isn't winstrol one of the most powerful steroids out there? Is it atcually pretty light? Which is better for overall size and strength gains, tbol or winstrol?
  10. W

    Adding Another compound

    Im 26 years old bro
  11. W

    Adding Another compound

    Sorry for the vagueness boys lol. I'm trying to add as much muscle and strength as I can this cycle. I'd like to gain a good amount of weight without adding too much fat. Trying to get stronger on the main lifts while building muscle Second cycle lifting 8 years 5'10 180 (10% BF)
  12. W

    Adding Another compound

    Hey guys, Just started my second Test and EQ cycle and I was thinking about throwing in another compound, Either Dbol or perhaps Anadrol. Open to any suggestions on maybe another type of coumpiund that you guys believe may go well with eq and test Thanks
  13. W


    Anything I can do to ease the PIP lol
  14. W


    gear is from Robolics btw. I've heard their gear is suppose to have close to no PIP so i'm almost certian I was injecting too fast. Thanks for your guys help guys!
  15. W


    It took me less than 2 mins to inject 2 CC so maybe that's why the PIP so bad. Maybe I was going to fast, I'll def slow it down next time. How long should i take to inject 2 CC? I'm assuming if your going slow at least more than a few mins? correct
  16. W


    Yea the PIP isnt the worst thing in the world but idk if I'll be able to squat today and I couldn't sleep on that side last night. I'll just be more careful when I pin next time
  17. W


    2 ML, 1 of each compound
  18. W


    Having some PIP the next day after my first shot of EQ and Test. Shot into the upper outside of my glute. IS that normal?
  19. W

    Aromasin Dosage

    I've started my Test and EQ cycle and had Aromasin as an AI that comes in a 25 mg capsule. I was recommended to take 12.5 Mg EOD but since it's not in pill form, I can't break the capsule in half.. IS it fine to take 1 capsule of 25 mg every 4TH day?
  20. W

    Eq and Test E

    Haha I bet. The quad is such a big muscle tho, how come there is bad PIP when injecting there??
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