Thank you. Due to only being a 1 pin into my 3rd week I am just going to postpone until I'm back and know I will be for 6 months. Just not worth the risk if I dont get legit stuff.
Will just run the clomid for 3 to 4 weeks at a low dose. Thinking 25mg a day. Unless the vets on here think i...
I am going to Chile. Can probably find something down there just dont want to get from a shit source.
Should I wait the full 2 weeks to start the clomid as if I did the whole cycle?
Yes. Little to no atrophy has occurred. Balls have had a little ache the last couple of days. Working out while overseas wont be a problem. Will definitely find a gym near my hotel. I will be gone for 3 to 4 weeks. So long ester wont do the trick.
So I just found out this morning my company was awarded an overseas contract. I have been selected to get the project going starting April 1sr. Great news for work, unfortunate for my cycle. I just did my first PIN for the 3rd week of my Test E 250mg cycle yesterday morning. My question is, what...
As I stated in my introduction/cycle layout I will be running a log detailing my first run. Just to recap I am running 250mg of test E for 10 weeks, with 12.5mg of Aromasin EOD, decided to add in 50mg of proviron a day to help deal with high SHBG on pre-cycle bloodwork, which is attached. Was...
So I just got word from my boss I have to travel by plane next week. I will be out of town Monday afternoon until Thursday night or Friday morning. The issue is, I started my cycle last Sunday 2-3. My second PIN was last night. Cycle is 250mgs of Test E a week. I will be able to do my scheduled...