Just to verify my last pin of test is tomorrow, wait two weeks to start full pct?
How long is the cycle off period for test, deca, minstrel, etc?
This cycle was test 350mg/week and anavar 20mg. Any advice on my second cycle as I'm planning that now.
Yes, been running Aromasin 12.5 EOD since start. I forgot to mention I’m also taking mk677. Been on that for about 2 months. Don’t think it matters that’s why I didn’t mention it.
35 male 6’ 3” 223lbs running my first cycle of test. I’m running test cyp. Im running 350mg pinned twice weekly Sunday and Thursday. Currently running Aromasin 12.5 mg EOD. Passing the week mark now and starting to feel a little soreness in nipple area. First it was just right now it’s both...
I would ask you to define low. Its always been about where its at now. I don't have cholesterol issues, my numbers have always been where they should be. Same thing with the white blood cell, never had issues with that either.