I have traveled numerous times and even when they asked what they are for, I asked “administering medicine at my destination”. End of convo.
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I was definitely going to run it just like that. After doing some research it seems as if too much caber can also cause some issues you don’t want.
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Okay, that makes sense. I was primarily talking about prolactin and seeing how that looks and making sure it’s in check!
Thanks man
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Cbbram, Robo and Dylan thank you again!
I actually am on TRT doses right now. 175mg of Cyp a week and have been for quite a bit now. I am going to increase my test for about a week maybe two then go ahead and start with the tren ace.
I am going to run them doses similar as suggest and just go...
Well I am beyond sexually active so if those issues arise I will quickly be increasing my testosterone intake. I will run them even as I have been suggested that a few times and then go from there.
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Thanks Rick, I appreciate the input as well. That’s definitely what I’m going with. Waiting in Caber then I’m going to jump on.
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So I have read through quite a few threads and seen a lot of different info so I wanted to get some up to date SUGGESTIONS.
I have ran test cycles only up to this point, well frankly because I haven’t really had a need for anything more. I’m going to run some tren here in the next few weeks...
I also have never ran any nandro’s but I can vouch for the quality comment. You will see comments on other forums of thinking things are underdosed or not legit due to how easy and efficient it is with Pharmalady, but it’s because they are just that good. I’ve ran a few different orals, AI’s...