1. The discount code again for Let’s get checked .. Is Gemelli30 correct ?
2. Running S-23 and 400 Test cycle for 12 weeks then back on TRT dose.. Split S-23 dose AM and PM now is it 20MG a day or 30mg?
and yes I’m using Sarms 4 sale for S-23…
Recommend dosage for LGD-3303 ,and due to half life should that be split into two times a day? Was thinking 10 weeks?
Was going to throw some GW in there also ( love that stuff)...
Ok so no signing for domestic shipping inside the US .. I know this isn’t the most important question, but just hate to spend $500 dollars and have my package sent back because I didn’t ask questions!!
On Domestic Supply’s shipping , do you have to sign for the package or is that just an option ? I’m not worried about it being stolen if left on my steps or in mailbox , i can have the girlfriend pick it up if at work …If I do have to sign I’ll have to work it around my work schedule, sometimes...
I have been on TRT for 5 years and have ran GW50151 twice before and I'm currently running it for a third time, I'm 1 week in. I have never had or noticed any issue. I get my blood work done ever 3 months, zero issues... Im about to start S4 next week.
Ahhhh the “ your test is in range answer” I’m 38 been on TRT since I was 34 .. Went to my normal Doc , we did blood work and got the same answer that you got ... Doc wouldn’t do anything for me ..Your GP doc is not the place to look for help in this situation, go see an Endocrinologist they...
@olderbro I just got done with jym preworkout wasn’t to bad at all but probably the worst tasting pre workout I have ever had but it is what it is .. Mighty have to try the Ronnie Coleman line Rickrock mentioned...