Yeah took the time to take a look at it looks like a great opportunity to try some sarms 2 will definitely buy in the next few day's hope the sale is still on thx [emoji41] for the head's up
Sent from my HUAWEI P6-U06 using Tapatalk
yeah just woke up looking in to the web page but it has a hard time loading for me for some reason idk but will def look in to it bro thx for the advice did look up description of it seems great
Yeah i agree was just given some bad info or idea thx again for the lookout and will just do my pct as usual and take my time to recover got nolva and Clomid and some aromasin on the side if needed thx again B-)
Sent from my HUAWEI P6-U06 using Tapatalk
Hey bro actually i just had my last test shot about 3 days ago got my pct rdy had to get nolva and clomid rdy but was thinking of cruising on some sustenon 250 for a while a run another in January what would you suggest could only run tren for 6 week because my source had no idea what caber was...
Sup fellas new to the forum have been reading some of the info on here good stuff actually ran in to it by looking at Dylan videos before hope to learn some stuff here located in Guatemala so forgive my grammar if its not so great just ended a cutting cycle got good results it was a test 400...