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  • Hello I was looking at your YouTube video on the different Testosterone levels and base I just started taking oil base shots from my urologist I didn't get the dose I was injected with on my 1st visit I go back for my 2nd on 1/24/17 I will be sure to ask how much is he using and how often or how many cycles will I be doing I work out and but not a gym rat . I know you mentioned about the water weight I'm doing a clean eating diet no sodium what other products I can use to max out me taking the Test. I'm 47 and I'm 210 my usual weight is around 195-200lbs should I only get the injections in my buttocks or should I ask to have them move around i seen people do arms thighs even chest . Can I have some tips on what i need to do to help bulld more muscle. Thank you
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