Bought these two sarms about two weeks ago. Have seen or felt any results since I started the cycle. Do you think they are legit? They are in capsule form so I am skeptical. Label says they're from Biotec Labs in Fort Myers, Florida. let me know what you think.
Lmao my bad. I’m trying to say that I don’t want to gain any MORE muscle mass I just want to preserve what I already have. I don’t know if Ostarine is necessary to preserve or if I’ll be fine without it
Will I end up losing more muscle mass than fat though? I’ve heard that I need the muscle mass in order to burn fat otherwise my whole caloric deficit will go towards wasting away my muscle instead of my fat. Thanks for your help!
I am 21 yr old female, 5'4" tall and currently weigh 130lbs with 17.5% body fat. I want to get back down to around 110 lbs with about 13% body fat which is where i was at this past July. Many people have been telling me to incorporate Ostarine into my stack but I am nervous that it will cause...