Recently I came across the ProgressiveDesk company and their products. They offer unique solutions for the workspace with an emphasis on comfort and ergonomics. I wondered if there is any visible effect from using such height-adjustable desks and other innovative solutions for the workspace? I have a sedentary job, and I often feel tired in my back, so I am interested in such innovative products that help maintain health and productivity throughout the day. Has anyone tried working at such desks? How do you feel? Is it worth investing in such furniture, or can you still get by with more traditional solutions?
Hi! I have been personally using the adjustable work desk from for several months now, and I can say that the difference is really noticeable. Previously, when I worked at a regular desk, my back hurt a lot, especially in the evening, because I had to sit in one position all the time. With the transition to a height-adjustable desk, I began to regularly change my position and can work both standing and sitting - this significantly reduces the load on the back and neck, helps to relax. Another plus is that such desks help change the level of activity during the day. For example, if I need to concentrate on a complex task, I sit down, and when I need to stretch a little or just recover from a long work day, I switch to a standing position. This helps not only physically, but also psychologically. This is especially noticeable on long workdays, when you feel that you simply cannot sit for several more hours in a row. In fact, such desks can improve not only your physical condition, but also increase productivity. My experience definitely confirms that investing in such solutions is justified.
Interestingly, ProgressiveDesk focuses not only on the furniture itself, but also on various accessories for the workplace. Height-adjustable desks and quality monitors are certainly good, but it is important to understand that comfort in the workplace is not only about furniture. Spinal problems are often expressed with the topic, for example, sitting or standing, so it is often useful to add to the office not only adjustable desks, but also, for example, a chair with good back support or a keyboard with some inclination.