I'm interested in a product called " YK- 11"
I read on the internet that it is a more powerful anabolic product on the market .
It is really a SARMs suppressive and it ???
A there other sides effects ???
Thank you
We spoke about this in a thread titled Myostatin Inhibitor. Not sure how to post the long from tapatalk but I will try in a few minutes. It has a link about it in there. Basically it is a DHT derivative. Use the search bar to find the topic while I try to link it.
I'm interested in a product called " YK- 11"
I read on the internet that it is a more powerful anabolic product on the market .
It is really a SARMs suppressive and it ???
A there other sides effects ???
Thank you
It's more or less known for it supposedly having myostatin inhibiting abilities by causing your body to produce more follistatin. The thing is that there are other ways to do this as well, such as testosterone administration. I don't know a whole lot about it right now, but it doesn't seem all that promising from what I've read.
its not showing the greatest results yet with a real quality product... more testing and improvements need done before i will ever recommend it... once it gets past certain hurdles etc it may be a breakthrough but not at this time...