That is a normal part of the process. You may not have to worry just yet.................depends on how long its been held. When did it arrive in customs?
I wouldn't worry too much just yet. Worst case, they just take it. If your supplier is clever, they usually pack it in a manner that it gets thru no problem.
please don't make the same thread topic... you already made one and its completely unnecessary to do it twice... its not going to get any different sort of answer... it just clutters the board
brother have some patience its the holidays and everything and everyone is backed up especially shipping there will be no probs with either one if you go about it the right way and pm ur supplier they will make it right to both of your benefits.
Hey Bro, don't sweat it. I can tell you are new to this. And it will take a little time to get your forum etiquette down. Double posting won't get you any faster answers. Give it time, ppl will get back to you on stuff. Patience is a must.
What you want to do in a case like this is to just go to the original post and just bump it up. Like what was already mentioned, most ppl here hit the "New Posts" button and that's how you can get faster answers.