Ok this took some soul searching but Im going to take a very first sarms cycle. This is my first time taking sarms. Never done Steroids.(My basic supps are creatine, zinc, magnesium malate,Vitamin B12, VitaminD3 fish oil and protein powder) This is my Stats: 44 years old, I just got on the scale 228lbs and Im 5'10". I don't know my body fat % but Im holding belly fat. I do have a decent build. Reason for going on this cycle is easy for me. I went down to 217lbs(close to my goal of 200lbs) but I lost power. I'm not happy with that. At my current weight of 228lbs Im decently strong for a natural and 44 year old man. My goal is to get to 200lbs but Maintain or better YET INCREASE my strength. My current stats. Bench press 375lbs. Squat 375lbs, (I try to stay away from Squats)Deadlift I don't do.(herniated lower disc,due to car accident) leg press 1100lbs for sets of 6-8 reps. Bench Press Dumbells 130lbs for 6-8 reps. hammer chest I have squeezed 450lbs(10 plates of 45) but my shoulders get taxed. I do have injured shoulders, never had an MRI but I'm guessing a rotator cup(flat bench press on a smith machine caused the injury) Reason Im giving the run down is to let knowledgeable members know of my injuries and could suggest/include a sarm for this cycle that could also help heal my shoulders. I do work out hard but I have learned to tuck my elbows in to protect my shoulders. Pain is less and I do get by. I don't want to use S4 for anything (I don't want vision issues) I will start my cutting macros at: 350grams for carbs. 240grams for protein and 70grams Fats.. I will adjust macros as I monitor my weight loss.. Thank you for any input. I did PM Dylan and RICK but they were not aware of my injuries.. I will use PE sarms..