I'm gonna be blasting and making gains this offseason. I'm gonna bulk for 6 months and get as big as I can before I cut for another show next year... I can't wait. I'm thinking 4 months of something like this. I'm gonna do a good steady cruise prior to the blast as well. Im not sure about trying EQ tho, I don't know if it's an AAS I like, I heard shitty things about eq
Blast this 4 weeks
Test 750mg
EQ 600mg
Tren 350mg
Superdrol 20mg/day
Aromasin 25mg eod
Then rest of 12 weeks do
Test 750mg
EQ 600mg
Tren 500-700mg
Proviron 50-100mg/day
Caber- if needed
Aromasin 25mg eod
Blast this 4 weeks
Test 750mg
EQ 600mg
Tren 350mg
Superdrol 20mg/day
Aromasin 25mg eod
Then rest of 12 weeks do
Test 750mg
EQ 600mg
Tren 500-700mg
Proviron 50-100mg/day
Caber- if needed
Aromasin 25mg eod