Well as you guys may remember, Dylan and PE had arranged all those loggers for the new products. I was picked to run the MK-677 along with Testdude. Some glorious green PE bottles should be hitting my mailbox today in approximately two hours... Log begins now people...
Currently I am floating right above 280lbs. I am 6'1 23 years old. I was training more for bodybuilding but I have come to the quick realization that it is just not for me at this time. I WANNA BE STRONG!!!!! So that being said, I love bodybuilding and will continue to help some locals prep for shows and what not but I am back to strength sports which I feel is perfect for this log!
I came off a wicked cut so I lost so much strength I had before. I used to rip weight no problem but its been so frustrating getting back to that....
I am not on blast or anything. Ive been off for a couple months. Just 200mg of test on cruise that's it.
PR's now. 475 bench. 535 squat. 535 dead. I know..... it ain't shit lol. But I will be back I promise. Slow and steady. Don't need to snap my shit.... I was really just hypertrophy lifting for a good 6-8 months. Only one knee injury that was a set back in the last couple years too and that healed fairly quick I suppose.
Will be going back on cycle next month. I will be running test, dbol, MT, TBOL and deca... Possibly a deca mix.
Test 400mg ew 1-12/Deca 400mg ew 1-12/dbol 40mg 1-6/Injectable MT 1mg ED 1-2/TBOL 50mg ed 6-12
My goal is to hopefully push an even 600 on all lifts with maybe the exception of bench BEFORE starting this cycle. Bench could get to 500 or 525 that would be great. Might drop that tbol too. We will see. I may include that with the next run I do which I already have planned mostly and it will be nutty. Both cycles will fall in line with the use of MK-677 so it should be fun to see.
Sleep... well I dont sleep I feel like I am an insomniac. Constantly my mind is racing and I feel my sleep is real shitty quality. Always wake up dead tired.
Diet..... Lol lets not go there. Lets just say lately I will eat everything in site as it is. I keep it fairly clean now. Have a great knowledge base about diet in general. But the intense hunger I hear from others on MK-677 should be quite interesting. lol.v
I have some serious joint pain going on here and there too which is why I'm building my lifts slow and steady.
Excited to see what this will do. I am open minded and hope for the best. Testdude seems to be loving it. I will run it at 25mg ED and will run it for probably 6 months to a year. We will see.
I was always a SARMS hater at EVO but I am coming around...
Currently I am floating right above 280lbs. I am 6'1 23 years old. I was training more for bodybuilding but I have come to the quick realization that it is just not for me at this time. I WANNA BE STRONG!!!!! So that being said, I love bodybuilding and will continue to help some locals prep for shows and what not but I am back to strength sports which I feel is perfect for this log!
I came off a wicked cut so I lost so much strength I had before. I used to rip weight no problem but its been so frustrating getting back to that....
I am not on blast or anything. Ive been off for a couple months. Just 200mg of test on cruise that's it.
PR's now. 475 bench. 535 squat. 535 dead. I know..... it ain't shit lol. But I will be back I promise. Slow and steady. Don't need to snap my shit.... I was really just hypertrophy lifting for a good 6-8 months. Only one knee injury that was a set back in the last couple years too and that healed fairly quick I suppose.
Will be going back on cycle next month. I will be running test, dbol, MT, TBOL and deca... Possibly a deca mix.
Test 400mg ew 1-12/Deca 400mg ew 1-12/dbol 40mg 1-6/Injectable MT 1mg ED 1-2/TBOL 50mg ed 6-12
My goal is to hopefully push an even 600 on all lifts with maybe the exception of bench BEFORE starting this cycle. Bench could get to 500 or 525 that would be great. Might drop that tbol too. We will see. I may include that with the next run I do which I already have planned mostly and it will be nutty. Both cycles will fall in line with the use of MK-677 so it should be fun to see.
Sleep... well I dont sleep I feel like I am an insomniac. Constantly my mind is racing and I feel my sleep is real shitty quality. Always wake up dead tired.
Diet..... Lol lets not go there. Lets just say lately I will eat everything in site as it is. I keep it fairly clean now. Have a great knowledge base about diet in general. But the intense hunger I hear from others on MK-677 should be quite interesting. lol.v
I have some serious joint pain going on here and there too which is why I'm building my lifts slow and steady.
Excited to see what this will do. I am open minded and hope for the best. Testdude seems to be loving it. I will run it at 25mg ED and will run it for probably 6 months to a year. We will see.
I was always a SARMS hater at EVO but I am coming around...