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Ostarine gains maintainable?


New member
I just started my 3rd week of mk-2866/ostarine. I might have put on 5 pounds of lean mass already. Just wondering if I keep busting my ass in the gym after this cycle, will I keep my gains? And yes I am taking a pct after just in case. Better safe then sorry.

My workouts and diets are in check. I train like a mad man and eat like a king.
PCT isn't ness, but you should have no problem maintaining gains as you come off Ostarine. They are all lean gains
Usually Ostarine will kick in 7-10 days.

Yeah but even using legit Ostarine 5lbs in a 12 week span is pretty damn decent. Ive stacked every damn Sarmn know to man and gained only about 7lbs of muscle in 10 weeks. So either the OP is taking weight gain as pure muscle gain or he is genetically gifted.
Good Ostarine can do some amazing shit.. It's one of my favorites amongst the SARMS. It was my very first PED I took, and I was blown away
Good Ostarine can do some amazing shit.. It's one of my favorites amongst the SARMS. It was my very first PED I took, and I was blown away

I'm sorry and frankly I would say its highly improbable. Ive only ran legit PE stuff and I have good Anabolic reations to almost everything. The truth is most people step on the scale and assume that they gained 5lbs of Muscle because the scale is 5lbs higher. I bet a BOD test would say something completely different. Just like people who run a cycle of DBOL and said I gained 25lb of Muscle while on cycle but lost 12 of it after a few months. The truth is you probably gained 10lb of muscle the rest was water and fat.

So at this rate of perceived muscle gain Ostarine is more Anabolic then TBOL? 5lbs of muscle in 3 weeks is advanced nattys gains in a year. Doesent compute
I didn't say he gained 5 lbs. OP did, and I'm not going to tell him he's lying. I just know Ostarine is an amazing compound
This is my first PED. Ya the 5 pounds was put on at the end of the first week. Like I just blew up. Strength gains are minimal, but then again I'm not strength training. Vascularity, pumps, leanness, and appetite all increased. I even have been doing cardio 3-5 times a week and haven't lost any gains.

Thank yall for the information!!!!
This is my first PED. Ya the 5 pounds was put on at the end of the first week. Like I just blew up. Strength gains are minimal, but then again I'm not strength training. Vascularity, pumps, leanness, and appetite all increased. I even have been doing cardio 3-5 times a week and haven't lost any gains.

Thank yall for the information!!!!

Great work bro.. You'll continue to love Ostarine. It's great for a recomp
I didn't say he gained 5 lbs. OP did, and I'm not going to tell him he's lying. I just know Ostarine is an amazing compound

I'm not saying he is lying. What I am saying is most people really have know Idea how much muscle they are actually putting on. And Ostarine even the most pure of Ostarine isn't known for putting on Slabs of Muscle. Its qualities are more of healing with the ability to add some lean muscle and strength gains that are slightly elevated above ones natural ability.

Are we here to help each other or blow sunshine up each others asses. Right now there is only one Sarm that is maybe capable of doing that kind of growth at the moment and that's RAD140 and that is way more Anabolic then MK is. Lets just be honest about stuff.
I'm not saying he is lying. What I am saying is most people really have know Idea how much muscle they are actually putting on. And Ostarine even the most pure of Ostarine isn't known for putting on Slabs of Muscle. Its qualities are more of healing with the ability to add some lean muscle and strength gains that are slightly elevated above ones natural ability.

Are we here to help each other or blow sunshine up each others asses. Right now there is only one Sarm that is maybe capable of doing that kind of growth at the moment and that's RAD140 and that is way more Anabolic then MK is. Lets just be honest about stuff.

Don't blow smoke up my ass, but its literally 5 pounds, nothing crazy. (less gains then my first creatine cycle) I am very in tune with my body. Who knows, it could be the placebo effect. I didn't go calculate my bmi, count my calories, do any blood work, or even log my workouts. So who really knows?
I'm sorry and frankly I would say its highly improbable. Ive only ran legit PE stuff and I have good Anabolic reations to almost everything. The truth is most people step on the scale and assume that they gained 5lbs of Muscle because the scale is 5lbs higher. I bet a BOD test would say something completely different. Just like people who run a cycle of DBOL and said I gained 25lb of Muscle while on cycle but lost 12 of it after a few months. The truth is you probably gained 10lb of muscle the rest was water and fat.

So at this rate of perceived muscle gain Ostarine is more Anabolic then TBOL? 5lbs of muscle in 3 weeks is advanced nattys gains in a year. Doesent compute

I see what you are saying. But Ostarine isnt known for holding water weight.
Ostarine as well as other sarms are very easily keep able as far as gains go. They are much easier to keep than anabolic steroid gains. Its very possible after running a sarm to keep at or close to 100% of your gains, so there are no worries there....provided you keep your training and diet consistent with keeping or maintaining those gains.
And just to clear things up here, EVERYONE responds to things differently and gains from person to person are going to be widely varied. There is absolutely no reason to not believe that 5 lbs of muscle can't be gained on Ostarine. I've seen it done many times. There are so many factors that go into this as far as what you can and can't gain...of course diet, training, how new someone is, genetics, body type, how far below your genetic potential you are, etc. and someone that is new to any type of anabolic including sarms typically hyper responds better than anyone. I've done this myself with clients, including a close female friend of mine, that gained a substantially great amount of muscle off of sarms alone.

So please no more banter about questioning anyone's gains in here. I won't have that in this thread, and please respect that. It's disrespectful to the OP, and not what we are about here at all bro
I'm not saying he is lying. What I am saying is most people really have know Idea how much muscle they are actually putting on. And Ostarine even the most pure of Ostarine isn't known for putting on Slabs of Muscle. Its qualities are more of healing with the ability to add some lean muscle and strength gains that are slightly elevated above ones natural ability.

Are we here to help each other or blow sunshine up each others asses. Right now there is only one Sarm that is maybe capable of doing that kind of growth at the moment and that's RAD140 and that is way more Anabolic then MK is. Lets just be honest about stuff.

Where are you all of a sudden the foremost authority and know all on how these work bro? You have done this time and time again first with anavar and now mk... Youve literally ran these how long? Youve studied sarms how long? Ive been teaching mk to generally add 7 clean lbs but possibly up to ten for i dont know, roughly five years... Ive seen some gain only 2 lbs and some up to ten.. Generally all with drops in body fat dependent upon their diet... Its what you CAN expect but noone gets them all the same... You are extremely one sided and always base things on your OWN experience as opposed to a variety of others... I see noone blowing any sort of smoke... You are making this a pattern bro and its pretty disturbing... Why not just post about your experience, let others post tgeirs and then compare... So am i now lying ive gained ten lbs on deca in this short of time because someone else didnt? Are you the only person that knows the difference in muscle gain? Your paranoia on topics is starting to become detrimental to others and it needs to stop...
Yeah but even using legit Ostarine 5lbs in a 12 week span is pretty damn decent. Ive stacked every damn Sarmn know to man and gained only about 7lbs of muscle in 10 weeks. So either the OP is taking weight gain as pure muscle gain or he is genetically gifted.

Hey Buzkillington, if you only put on 7# of lean mass in 10 weeks while on every SARM known to man, you did a whole lot of something wrong.
Let me just cut to the question here. Op. The gains you have made from MK, pretty much any sarm, are certainly keepable if you maintain you're diet and push harder in the gym. It's not complex there is no specific rule. There is only doing better than you did the day before. That pattern should continue and if it does idc what anyone says, you will keep you're gains and then some.

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Let me just cut to the question here. Op. The gains you have made from MK, pretty much any sarm, are certainly keepable if you maintain you're diet and push harder in the gym. It's not complex there is no specific rule. There is only doing better than you did the day before. That pattern should continue and if it does idc what anyone says, you will keep you're gains and then some.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Thank you! Perfectly said... I will say that certain compounds like primo, eq winstrol have more sustainable gains as opposed to a dbol with a lot of water and estrogen conversion but the cleaner the compound the more likely to sustain but that also comes down to the individual using as tx terror so eloquently pointed out... Sarms are highly sustainable not only due to the lack of estrogen conversion and no presence of toxicity but also the rapid recovery time with lack of suppression which allows one to have a far greater rate of sustainability
Got it, keep busting my ass in the gym and out the gym.

My cycle is only 4 weeks at 30 mg a day spaced about 4-6 hours apart at 10 mg doses three times a day.
After this cycle I was planning on doing a pct (even though it is not needed, my balls have not shutdown...yet at least and probably won't, and I bought the shit already so I'm going to take it) and taking off 2 months from the SARM.

Honestly I love it and wanna hop on another SARM ASAP. Do yall recommend the 2 months off, or just use a different SARM?
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