I know how great a huge pump feels. It's hard to compare anything to it (unless it's that bomb pus*y
) One thing alot of us overlook is FOAM ROLLING. I personally own a standard firm foam roller and I also own a Rumble roller which is intense lol We get all bundled up and our Fascia needs to be stretched back out and opened up freely again. Proper fascia health improves delivery of nutrients and blood flow, enhancing GREAT pumps for the next workout. It can even open up and give you some great muscle growth. Have you ever foam rolled and notice how vascular you are after? That's the fascia broken up and feeding the muscles new food. I suggest foam rolling INTENSELY for about 10-15 minutes after a workout. Let's say you did a back workout out: Hit your lats, forearms and biceps hard. Don't be scared to feel some pain for a minute or two. It'll diminish and sort of feel pleasant. Try not to foam roll a muscle group the day before or right before you're about to train it. Give at least 48 hours in between rolling and training.
FOAM ROLL AS HARD AS YOU LIFT. You'll see great mobility, pumps, and activation to help get those GAINNNNZZZZZ!!

FOAM ROLL AS HARD AS YOU LIFT. You'll see great mobility, pumps, and activation to help get those GAINNNNZZZZZ!!