drb_iac said:
RickRock said:
Very good read Drb! Thanks for sharing with us brother! I like the concept of this completely. The idea of start and safe cycling has been lost somewhere these days it seems
RockinRick- For some reason this old school cycle has gotten lost. I always say this is the single most tested stack there is. I seem to sense younger guys are afraid of deca and dbol, but jump right in with tren and halo. They are fearfull that deca has too many side effects, but I have used it for 40 years. Then they think that dbol makes you a big water bag with no muscles or strength...just a bag of water. That certainly is NOT true. Here was a weird cutting stack...100mg test, 200mg deca, 30mg dbol. The striations over the abs got blurred by some water but the cut between the abs got deeper and the abs themselves got big. From here just some primo and ta daaa...there you have arnold, sergio, lou!! I no longer mess with dbol, but I would certainly rather see youngsters on dbol then on halo or adrol.
Personally for orals i opt for Dbol and always run it with test (sometimes additional compounds).. Its definitely NOT for everybody, i cannot stress this enough, and you really gotta know your shit to maximize the results. The reason i do this is because ive ran it so many times and ive learned from experience a few tricks along the way that allows me to keep alot of the gains, while keeping the water retention to a minimum (as minimal as dbol will allow) Remember Dbols main components are protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. I never run dbol more than 4 weeks at 30mg/day and I run an aromatise inhibitor higher than i would normally with say a basic test cycle (or any other cycle for that matter) aromasin @ 12.5-25mg ED while on Dbol (after Dbol i cut back to 12.5mg EOD aromasin) , i properly maintain a clean diet high in protein and up my calories (3500/4000) keeping it low in sodium, sodium intake is a big factor. I also up my water intake from a gallon a day to about two and a half gallons, believe it or not the more water you drink the less you will retain. I also increase cardio intensity and implement this daily and usually double from what i do when im not taking Dbol. I also utilize the hot tub i have in my backyard twice a day every day at 104 degrees and soak 45min-1hr, allowing myself to sweat like a whore at sunday mass (there are multiple ways of forcing yourself to sweat, this is just my choice and most convenient), which helps me shed even more water (sometimes 2-3 pounds in one soak no BS) Then after 4 weeks i come off dbol while remaining on testosterone(and possible other compounds) i up my caloric intake from (3500/4000) to (5500/6000) but now i increase my carb intake along with. The reason i increase calories by so much is because once dbol passes from your system your body needs to compensate in order to maintain your new size and muscle mass. People tend to remain at the same caloric intake at this point which i believe is the factor as to why people do not keep alot of Dbol gains. After all is said and done, it is still very difficult to maintain the additional mass if one does not maintain their new caloric maintenance. And this is where i myself tend to recede unfortunately, but alot of gains are keepable none the less. I must advise that i do have an extreme metablosim, which may have an effect on the overall results. And lets not forget how dbol make yous feel, and when one feels that great mentally it will definitely have a dramatic impact on your workouts and the body, which in turn will give better end results. I can only speak for what works for me and my body personally, but i hope this clarifys the true potential that Dbol possesses . And in the end everything will be dose dependent per person, diet and based on personal goals..[/quote:3837u2qo]
Very good suggestions here Drb. I agree with you completely about bumping caloric intake for gain maintenance, and that goes for any AAS. Anytime you gain more lean mass, it's obviously going to take more calories to maintain it.
I will probably give Dbol a shot again at some point, and I will utilize a lot of the things you mentioned for water retention control. You mentioned a couple things that I had never really thought about doing, so I appreciate the info!